Facilitate the connection between companies and young talents with our Top Graduate 360° solution
Many companies struggle to find the best young talents, whether it's sourcing candidates, engaging them with the company or the economic aspects that match their finances.
Avec une solution complètement digitalisée incluant freelancing, recrutement et marque employeur, Top Graduate vise à répondre à ces préoccupations.
Find the best young talents
Identify your future employees with our recruitment solution.
A 360° solution for all your junior projects
Attract? Engage? Recruit? We can help you with each of your needs.
Rely on a digitalized platform
Access to your company account, and manage your projects from any support.
Recruiting ? Freelancing ? Employer Brand ? Let us help you in your projects
A platform dedicated to the acquisition and engagement of young talents
Strengthen your presence among young talents and identify your future employees with Top Graduate. Have a tool completely dedicated to your young talents recruitment strategy.
Young talents
Une offre complète de services dédiés à vos besoins
Hire the best young freelancers to realize your projects.